Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thank You Soldier 

When your in a situation where your loved one is serving our country, whether it be over sea's or serving the state, You don't realize the commitment your loved one and you have signed up for. When your loved one signs on the dotted line, they are no longer just yours, they are now "Owned", by the military, they are military property. It doesn't sound real or feel real until they take your loved one away. Its a surreal feeling for the first couple days, you feel as though they will walk through the door at any moment, but that moment never comes. you count the minutes that go by without them, and you count the moments you shared together, the good and the bad. When they leave and the communication is sealed, you wonder when the next time you'll be able to say "I Love You" or "I Miss You", and when the phone call finally comes, and you hear your loved one say, I only have 45 seconds to talk, so all you do is cry and say the most meaningful things before the connection is severed. Its a hard adjustment, but in time it becomes the new normal. Each letter that comes through the mail is another piece of your heart being glue back together.

And when the day comes where they step off the plane, wearing their combat boots and the uniform to match, its a moment where time stops, the world stops spinning and all that matters is the two of you finally seeing each other. Feels as though it has been years since that last hug and the final kiss happened, you run faster then the speed of light (not really) jumping into their arms, and then reliving the moments that made you so happy with your loved one.

One day my loved one will walk off the plane in uniform while I await to jump into his arms

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