Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sea Foam

Deep in Alaska there was a man, Tracy, he owned the largest seafood and fishing distribution. Tracy was a rather large man, but not fat, like blubber fat, he was built like a wrestler who has retired but still could hold his ground. His wife and him had five daughters together, they all grew up to become popular in their towns high school, everyone wanted to be them and hang out with them, Sierra, who was 17, she was a member of the schools Choir, everyone said she could sing like Ceilen Dion, her voice was powerful and strong, but also sweet and subtle. Sierra’s dream has always been to leave Alaska and see new things, experience new sights. But her mom had a strict rule, once Sierra turned 18, she could venture out, BUT not until she turned 18.

Sierra, she’s just turned 18, and the only present she wants is the ‘Ok’ to travel, and leave Alaska, but before she packed a bag to visit LA, her mom had to remind her the LA, is nothing like Alaska, there’s these things called Boys!, and their a strange species, they might come across sweet, but, their everything but sweet. As she discarded her moms last few words, she took the next flight to LA, as she stepped off the plane, she starred in Awe at all the skyscrapers that cut through the cloudy skies, as she walked the busy, crowded streets, she notice men unloading boxes upon boxes of unknown objects. She wanted to meet her first LA local, but as she walked towered them she looked down at herself, she was dressed as a marshmallow,  all covered up in her winter gear, not realizing that its not -50 degrees and more and more like 75 degrees.

As she watched the workers unload boxes, a young man, who seemed to be the workers manager, Sierra couldn't help but notice he was GORGEOUS! Picture Jason Ackles, From Supernatural, but easier to talk to because he’s not famous. His name was Chad, Chad the manager.

Suddenly, Chad was walking into the middle of the busy street, Sierra noticed a car racing towards him and she tried yelling to Chad to look out, but the loud horn was over powering everything else. The car struck Chad, but before anyone would get to him, Sierra was by his side to help him out. She held him in her arms until the ambulance arrived on sight. Even though her arms were tired, and she was sweating through all the layers she was wearing, she didn’t care.  As Chad was placed in a gurney and placed in the ambulance he glanced at Sierra and said “Thank You”.

Sierra flew back to Alaska after a couple days in LA, she couldn’t seem to forget about Chad, so when she came home, her sisters where at the airport ready to greet her, as they asked about her trip, she started bawling, she didn’t know why, and she locked herself in her room for days on end. Sierra went to go visit her Aunt and to beg her on what she should do about Chad, she wanted to see Chad again but she didn’t know how. Her aunt promised to help her, but warned her of the consequences that would come. Sierra didn’t care, all she cared about was Chad, the hot manager. Her aunt, asked for a favor in exchange for helping her find Chad, Sierra said ok, anything, so her aunt told her to NEVER sing again, because if people heard her voice they would kidnap her and steal her voice. She seemed scared by the news but agreed to surrender her voice. Sierra’s aunt reminded her that if she finds Chad and he happens to be with another lady, you will not be able to come home, because your mother warned you to stay away from men, you will be banned from home and possibly Alaska. Sierra agreed, and her aunt went to work on investigating where Chad might be.      

Sierra left Alaska once again and headed towards LA, she walked down the stairs from the plane and all of a sudden tripped and fell face first onto the pavement. A man (Chad) helped her up and as he was helping Sierra to her feet he asked where she was staying and he would help her get there. So she and him left the airport and headed towards her hotel. For the next couple days she spent her time sight seeing with Chad and enjoying LA. She would sometimes get so stressed that the only way to de-stress was to sing, but she promised her Aunt hat her singing career was long gone. Sierra knew that in all the time she spent with Chad that his mind would be somewhere else, he didn’t know that Sierra was the girl that held him a few months back, and Sierra couldn’t tell him either, one day in particular Chad seemed a little more upbeat than normal, they where headed to the airport, Chad said someone was coming, when Sierra and Chad got there and supermodel like women came towards Chad walking as though an invisible fan was in front of her as she walked an invisible catwalk, in Sierra’s mind “Mustang Sally” was also playing, just to add to her pain. Chad kissed her and soon after arriving, they married, Sierra was baffled, she thought Chad was starting to like her, but she was wrong.  After the wedding Sierra’s sisters called her to see how she was doing, and they were also concerned for her. Sierra confided in them and told them how she liked him so much. Her sisters were cruel evil bitches, and they told Sierra that she should kill the damn boy; not thinking that Sierra would take literally, Sierra now wanted revenge. But even though she wanted to kill Chad for getting her hopes up, she didn’t want to literally kill someone and then end up in prison for several years.

The Next day when the maid came to clean the room, expecting to find the room empty she found a bathtub filled with water and blood, the maid screamed and called 911, when the cops came, along with a corner, they concluded that Sierra had used Hydrofluoric acid to dissolve most of her body, she was lifeless. That last thing anybody heard that day was the maid describing the image is though Sierra had turned into ‘Sea Foam”.     

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