Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Bible...huh?

When discussing the creation myths in class and how some are tied into the "Holy Bible", I know absolutely nothing about this book.... I have never read the Bible, nor do I ever plan on reading the Bible. Due to this class, I have learned about the story of Adam and Eve, and the forbidden fruit. I'm sure I should have already known this story, but growing up I wasn't raised in a religious family, I know when I was super little my parents took me to a Synagog once in a while, and I went to sunday Hebrew school, but, I don't remember anything about it, except for the fact that I had a name tag shaped like a house and it was bright yellow. But other than that religious studies dealing with the Bible is far from my mind, but, I do enjoy listening to the references in the Bible, it gives me a better understanding into some beliefs my friends and peers have. 

A little off topic from creation stories, but I couldn't help but relate and question how the creation myths might be connected to the Bible and maybe there's more I'm missing.

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