Monday, September 23, 2013

I went out and told my creation story about the Hopi people to a variety of differnt people.... I think they enjoyed it

Telling the story to one of my roommates and our furry friends..
Luna was extremely bored
Ahria really enjoyed the story

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Bible...huh?

When discussing the creation myths in class and how some are tied into the "Holy Bible", I know absolutely nothing about this book.... I have never read the Bible, nor do I ever plan on reading the Bible. Due to this class, I have learned about the story of Adam and Eve, and the forbidden fruit. I'm sure I should have already known this story, but growing up I wasn't raised in a religious family, I know when I was super little my parents took me to a Synagog once in a while, and I went to sunday Hebrew school, but, I don't remember anything about it, except for the fact that I had a name tag shaped like a house and it was bright yellow. But other than that religious studies dealing with the Bible is far from my mind, but, I do enjoy listening to the references in the Bible, it gives me a better understanding into some beliefs my friends and peers have. 

A little off topic from creation stories, but I couldn't help but relate and question how the creation myths might be connected to the Bible and maybe there's more I'm missing.

Monday, September 16, 2013

“People of Peace”
Hopi Creation myth

In choosing a creation myth to discuss in class, I wanted something interesting, entertaining, and something that would make the listener want to be attentive. The story of the Hopi people, native to northern Arizona, seem to be one of the many intriguing stories to talk about.

Before there was anything, there was just endless amounts of space, and only one there was its creator, Taiowa, He lived in a world with no time, shape, and no life but him. In time he decided to create Sotuknank, Taiowa called him, his nephew. Sotuknang created nine universes, then nine solid worlds, Taiowa told his nephew to gather water and male land and seas, air and wind. Then came the creation of life, he created Spider-women. She had the power to create life, life in plants, flowers, bushes and trees. The birds and animals just by singing the Creation song, when Spider-women was finished creating life on earth she created humans, the creator then spoke his instructions to live in harmony, those were his only instructions.
In time, the people started to grow apart from one another and soon Taiowa, told the people to go live among the ants, while he destroys the world that couldn’t live in harmony.  The humans learned while living with the ants, during their time with the ants, they noticed the ants had storerooms full of food, and since the ants couldn’t collect more food, due to the earth being “Cleaned”, the ants started running low with food, the humans refused the food, but the ants insisted they eat, which is why ants have small waists to this day.
Living with the ants became a tradition, every time Taiowa the creator, created a new world for the humans to live in, they started off living in harmony, but that only last for so long, till they drifted away, so once again the humans were sent to live with the ants.
Finally, Spider-women opened the reeds so people could see a newer world, they floated the new waters for days, looking for land, until one day they finally fond and island. After finding one island, they sailed to find a bigger island. From island to island they walked it, creating new rafts, leaving their symbols and moving to the next.  After settling on the islands The creator welcomed them to their new world, but warning them it won’t be as beautiful like the last worlds they lived on, life would be harder. They migrated all in different directions, settling and building towns. Which soon be called the Colorado River. The Hopi people settled their because it would always remind them of their creator.  


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Seven Days

All the creation myths told in class today, most of them have a repetitive thing in each story.

  • People created from mud
  • Floods wiping out the land, people and environment
  • Disgusting ways of someone puking, cutting themselves, killing to create what we are today
  • Cords, wires that help the earth together
  • Complete and utter darkness from the beginning 
  • And the all almighty Seven day completion of earth 

I would like to say that SEVEN DAYS means seven days till you die (The Ring, movie), but I'm pretty darn sure the movie and the actual creation myths have nothing to do with one another. But I just think its funny how some evil little girl uses seven days to take a life, and we just learned that it took seven days for someone (male/female) to create life, light, and earth. 

Creation Myth Seven Days

Seven days...(dun, dun, dunnnnnn)

Friday, September 6, 2013

In class many of the students can recall memories early as 3-5 years old, how they get stuck in trees, steeling a sucker after their mom told them not to, or even enjoying the relaxation of peeling dead skin off someones back (strange), but they still remember these descriptive moments in time. As for me I have a hard time recalling anything before the 6th grade, I don't remember remotely as much as  I probably should. Maybe because I hit my head too many times, a baseball hitting me in the head, or just being a kid. But no matter how hard I try its hard to recall something before 6th grade. I remember moments, like when I was younger, my neighbors Tibetan Mastiff killed an intruding dog, but I don't know when, where this was or what really happened, but I know I was there when it happened. Should I remember more when I went to Europe when I was 17 (4.5 years ago)? Should I remember me moving across the state at age four? Even now Its hard to remember moments in time.

Do you think Zeus remembered all his children? 
The child that was born after his mom was blown to bits? (random)
Does this "Man-Whore" remember all the women he seduced?
How much should someone really remember?

 My brother and me, I know the town this was in, but I don't remember anything else (I was 5 years old)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

In chapter 2, of The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, Dionysus pretty much warned Ampelos to not go near the Bull, but after time past by, Ampelos couldn't stay away anymore (apperently). And thats when Ampelos was killed, because he didn't listen.

Reminds me of what we discussed in class on tuesday 9/3, and how we disobeyed our parents when we were younger. For example My mom would say don't watch scary movies by yourself, and what did I do? I definitely watch the scariest movie I could find at the time. I might have been scared of everything for the next could days, all because I didn't listen to my smarty-pants mom. Maybe Ampelos should have listened...

Lesson learned...