Tuesday, December 3, 2013

That, anyways, is what I have learned.

Two and a half years ago, there was a man, not a boy, but a man. He was enjoying what a freshman man in college would enjoy, parties, friends, and of course that thing called class. He was a strong and a brave man, but he disguised it, he wanted to be that hero but not with the label. Then, there was a girl. This man noticed how beaten she was, the bruises along her arms and leg, the scar that stayed hidden so questions weren’t asked who gave it to her, the eyes that showed fear, fear that the evil who had done this to her, would find out she was about to take to this man. This brave man, walked her home, he didn’t ask who, what, were, or why, he merely just walked in synch with the battered girl, She didn’t look up, she stared at the sidewalk confused as what to say. The girl didn’t want to say anything that would push this man away, when their journey was ending the man had to finally ask, he wanted to save her, to remove all those scars and bruises, save her from the evil that held her captive. After months of interaction and conversations with this girl, the man was hopeful that her bruises and scars were slowly fading. As was the girl, hopeful that her beatings were finally over.

This journey, a journey to conquer evil is so typical and so well anticipated for movies, stories and girls dreams. What girl hasn’t wished that a strong, noble man would whisk her off her feet and into the distant sun? I sure did, although mine involved Harry Potter or James Bond. During my time in Mythology, I’ve come to realize the power of the journey. A journey that starts with a task given to the man or women then begins the quest. Fighting crime or slaying dragons (hypothetically), but what would happen if while your facing robbers and murderers you turn around to face death itself. Death, most people would say that death doesn’t fear them, but how would you know? Has the Grim Reaper called you recently to say Hi? Has Voldermort face-booked you the timeline of when you’re going to die? I highly doubt a conversation with death has occurred recently. Since I Mentioned Voldermort and happen to be on Harry Potter rampage, Lets take Voldermort, He’s somewhat cheating death. Killing seven people to keep coming back so that death never seems to reach his door (But of course he eventually dies). Or take Captain Jack Harkness, he seems to cheat death in any situation you can think of for millions of years. (He’s in Doctor Who and Torchwood). Many people will deny the fear of death, claiming that death will be waiting at the right time and when the moment is right. Or take Zeus, the God of all God’s. Of course they will live for as long as they can, old age isn’t an issue for the Greek Gods. Why should we be the unlucky ones and die at some point in time. Will the Quest or journey end because the traveler fell to his death, or a wild untamed lion eats them? Does your Journey end? Or will a new journey open up, a journey after death.

The journey I took this semester was far from easy, although college is never easy, coming to Lit 285, opened my eyes on what I want to see and what I should see. Mythology, stories and trees are around us wherever we go, I could be walking out the door and see my roommate eating cereal, knowing that cereal is somewhat a God, ewe your eating a God…. Weird. Or when I see someone climbing a tree, I think to myself, wow that person truly loves Daphnie. But seriously, I wasn’t raised in a traditional family, I didn’t hear stories from my grandparents about how things use to be a nickel, nor did I have story time right before bed. I never knew the story of Adam and Eve till I entered this class. I didn’t know that this class would give me more insight on myself and even the people in this class as well. This truly was a Journey from Separations, where I had to speak about things what I would normally never speak of, blogging about how my childhood memories are far gone, a separation from past to present, then the Initiation, of course I never chopped off my pinky or an ear to give to Dr. Sexson, but I’m sure that would have been a sight to see. The initiation occurred during our first presentation for me. Walking up to the front of the class and speaking about a creation myth, I’ve never been a great speaker, but knowing that I could say “man-whore”, or ‘Bitch” and not get kicked out of class was probably the best thing ever. So yes, I went through a painful initiation which involved speaking in public, but only I felt the pain unless, everyone hear truly thinks it’s painful to watch me speak also. This initiation took till today to complete, I hope Dr, Sexson says I passed the initiation process. My Return hasn’t happened yet, because when I return to wherever I am going I’ll just turn around and take a new path, my initiation is never over, I will continue to speak in public, one because its my job, and also because no one is truly done with anything. Everyone is always trying to be accepted into anything.

When this class is over, and I continue my journey in a new direction, I’ll keep in mind all the things this class taught me. Of course we learned about myths, and stories, but surprisingly enough this class taught me about the journey never ends, it may pause or disappear for a minute or two but it always come right back with a smile on its face and a new quest to take.

This brave man that was introduced in the beginning of my presentation, he has a new journey now. In this new journey of his, he faces sever pain and grueling hardships, His separation from the girl he saved only a couple years ago, and the initiation he will endure for 5 months, including wounds physically and emotionally. But, as he returns the girl he once saved will be here waiting for him, because this time it’s her turn to save him.

That, Anyways, is what I have learned