Monday, October 28, 2013


The StoryTeller, is an interesting read, and even though the book had meaning, and personal changes. I personally did not like the book, not because it didn't connect with me, but my mind didn't find this a page turner, world culture stories intriguing through books, I would rather live it, then read about it. Everyone has books they love, books they read because they should, and books they start to read thinking they'll like it, but half way through they don't remember what the last line was because its boring. Although I didn't really enjoy the book, I remember early on in the book, where Saul (his real name) has a birthmark covering much of his face, but was it just a mark that happen to be something he his born with or was it a symbol? Something so visible, you can't run away from it, something like that would make most people scared to walk out their door because of all the comments they would hear, the faces they would see and the finger pointing they would feel as they past by. That would take a serious bullet proof vest, something that is a lie. The one thing the makes a person so scared to show any fear, is probably something that fears themselves. Saul didn't show any fear or concern when it came to his birthmark, why? well no one ever does, why do we conceal our deepest secrets?, because it could hurt us, our relationships and our future if we tell anyone. But when something so life changing, like finding out in the amazonian tribe, they kill any new borns that are imperfect. Would Saul be alive if he was born into the Machiguengas tribe? No. Would my brother be dead because he was born with a 'Webbed Toe'? Something so simple could be an imperfection in someone else's eyes. It startled me, to find out more about myself reading into this little chapter starting so early in the book, (pg.26) If I didn't meet a persons standards, would I be here? Would I be here after disappointing important people in my life? 

Think to yourself,
   What is your imperfection?
Now that you have that imperfection
   Picture not being here

(A little off topic from the StoryTeller, but when something doesn't intrigue me, I try to connect it to something that would intrigue me, which would be life and death)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Food For Thought  "Worms"

Tuesdays class we brought up, the topic of "Why don't we make enough time for things?", is it because we prioritize differently than we should? Or is it because some things are just not as important as other things. I use the excuse "I don't have enough time in the day to complete every little thing", which is a common 'cover' most people use. Not saying its a bad thing, but like in class, we all have 24 hours in the day and we all have a busy lifestyle. For example I go to school full-time, work, take care of the house, the pets and still look happy while doing it. Ian in class expressed his love for writing, and that is something that keeps him going everyday, and he makes time for it, others its reading, exercising, or even waiting for the next episode of Criminal Minds to come out next week. Several things keep me going each and everyday, the happy faces that wake me up in the morning, my brave soldier that is protecting our state, even a little baking keeps me going each and every day. 

So what keeps you going each and everyday?
  • Is it a hobby?
  • A loved one?
  • Your occupation?
  • Maybe its your drive?
Once you answer that question, answer this one....

What happens when "What keeps you going" leaves.
   What keeps you going suddenly changes, your occupation becomes routine and then predictable which leads to boring. Your hobby turns to nothing more than something you 'Use' to love. Or maybe your loved one Dies. If your drive comes from a loved one, you do realize that if their older than you (much older) they might die before you reach that long awaited goal of yours. Are you ready for that person to leave this world and become food for the worms? 
   Harsh?  maybe, but like many others, I too look up to an older figure in my life and when she passes away,  I will forever have a piece of me missing but I know I'll still have to continue to be driven in whatever I am doing. Not to pass all my mistakes onto a scapegoat because I didn't do everything right before she passed away. 

As we grow older and the next generation sits where we once stood, what will they think of us, what will be their drive? Are we all a lost cause? What we will do in life matter to others besides the ones in our family? 

Use those 24 hours in a day to Make a difference. 

My Grandmom and me, Old Spaghetti Factory, Oregon

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Fulani Tribe

Whip Match

The Fulani Tribe lives in west Africa, where they take pride in their "becoming a man" seriously. When a boy turns a certain age 13-15 years old they prepare for their painful initiation right. A boy will go out into the woods and find a strong, sturdy and flexible stick. When they find one that fits the profile they begin to sharpen the stick so that its easier to break the skin of the boy he is going to whip. the day of the match, each boy gets 3 single whips and whoever is getting whipped has to stay as still as they can, any flinch they make will cost them the match. When the match is over the village determines the winner and who becomes a Man. Whoever didn't win is shamed throughout the whole clan. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Decoding A page in 'The Marriage if Cadmus and Harmony'
Pg. 363

"Like bees from the trunk of an oak", the Trojan War is filling bedrooms with blood. This small section in 363 is detailing how Deiphobus (he was married to Helen) was murdered in the middle of the night, by Menelaus (king of Sparta) in the name of Helen. Helen the most beautiful woman in Greece, was desired by men everywhere. Whenever Helen is brought up in any story it is always about how men loved her and wanted to be with her even causing a war because of her! Doesn't that make her a toy? Yes she's a lovely gal and all, but is she a toy being shared by all OR is she a "Player". Manipulating the men to do as she wants. The Last line in the little section on pg. 363 "Helen looked at him and bared her breast. Menelaus let his sword drop" YES, lets just look in awe at someone we already know is gorgeous, but do we know if Helen truly thinks Menelaus is "The One" or another piece on her gold plated chess board?